Friday 13 March 2015

I Wheel Survive #Friday13th

I have literally just come back from a belly busting session at Las Iguanas on the South Bank, and all the anger I had towards Dick Tator (background post coming soon) and my week at work is now postponed for tomorrow morning's aquatic rehydration time (ie soaking off of all the rhum which escaped the burrito and went straight to my head).

In the mean time, here are some shots of a wheel that is happy to go round in circles, unlike my neurotic self.

But uuuugh, why the fuck do I end up working in the wierdest workplaces?? Seriously, one last word before I drag my spicy arse to bed: how the fuck do I end up working with a sales director who shits himself and merrily goes back towards the office like shit didnt happen?? Did you know that when a kind soul pointed out the dung nuggets splattered CSI style on his shirt and told him to go back to the bathroom, dude actually said "Can you remove it for me?". Yep.*


Oooh look ! pretty wheel!
Trees and sh.... Ugh

*And no, I never shook this dude's hands.


  1. Oooh, disgusting! I hope you didn't accommodate said sale's directors request.

  2. Oh hell no, I did however go wash myself crime victim style in case some particles floated around. Eek.
